Sunday, November 27, 2011

I should have been more like Amanda Palmer.

They don't sell fruit here anymore

They don't sell fruit here anymore,
There's nothing citrus
to callous the sore-

Like two married people
too proud for divorce.

What you told me
I'd never have to believe
When I was four

Flash-forward several states
and it doesn't look like war.

Just two married people
wrapped in the same wet blanket

not growing together,
just old.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What if you could lose your nose?

What if
you could
lose your nose
if you

stopped thinking
about it for
long enough?

That's sometimes
how I feel.

It's a shame
that the way we create
is not a part
of our bodies.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I was only ever
as big as the spaces between your fingers-

I think that's what
scared me the most.