Friday, April 22, 2011

The door was off its hinges
so we walked in,
you see she's never been the type
to carry keys
and today it doesn't matter.
In the wake of
unborn biographies
turned faction-fiction
all I wanted to do
was play God-
talk to someone
who could not exist
and make her a beautiful
that would shock the stars,
stop the cars
and blur the concept-
Eve was made of ribs
but you are made of
prefrontal cortex and heart,
the time
growing wide and tall
that it may take
if it takes,
stick-strike-slip will
you just gorgeous-
as real as they come.
You will own
the lifewater in my hands,
wick it away
when you are thirsty-
I will give you my
Eve-rib everything,
tonight I will have
turned a day
when I left something centered
and she will be you.
I will build you
and I will thank you.
I will leave you out to dry.

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